Friday, December 09, 2005

License Plate

As the post a couple of posts ago indicates, I probably spend too much time while I'm driving reading bumper stickers. I find myself reading personalized licensed plates too much, too, probably. So I'm driving home the other night and notice that the Explorer in front of me has a personalized plate. I notice an "H" and an "8" together. OK, that person hates something. The "I" in front of the "H" confirms that. So what does this person hate? What are those four letters after the 8? It doesn't look like a word. E . . . S . . . P . . . N What word is that supposed to be?

Oh, no, it's ESPN! Oh my God, how can someone hate ESPN?!? What else can I find out about this person from the back of his or her car? What could possibly drive someone so insane that he or she would be willing to spend $35-$45 a year to express hatred of the greatest entertainment innovation of the last 50 years? I mean, before ESPN, maybe you catch just the listing of sports scores on the late local news. Wait, this person's license plate frame is for the Pittsburgh Steelers. What?!? You love the Steelers, but hate ESPN?!? How is that possible? What's your problem?!?

More cognitive dissonance. It was a very confusing week.


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